
Financial Literacy Program

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Welcome to our Financial Literacy Program. Empower Yourself views financial & economic literacy as a life skill; something every individual should understand regardless of field or occupation. Our curriculum aims to change how young adults think about their financial and economic circumstances while encouraging informed decision making. Lessons include behavioral economics, which deals with economic decision making,



Financial Literacy Program Schedule


Week 1
  • Financial Assessment Test

  • Overview:

  • What Do You Know About This Topic?

  • Program Overview

Week 2 & 3
  • The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire

  • Save Early/Save Often

  • Spending Money

  • Save as Much as Possible

  • How You Earn Compound Interest

  • How to Earn a High Interest Rate

  • Leave Deposits and Interest Earned in the Account As Long As Possible

  • Accounts Where Interest is Compounded Often

Week 4

  • Interactive Exercises

Week 5
  • Test 1:

  • Test Review

  • Test Covering Week 1 – 3

Week 6
  • Wallpaper Woes

  • Story of Tom

Week 6 – 8
  • Your Own Wallpaper Woes

  • Plan to redecorate your bedroom at home. List everything you want to have and measure their rooms at home

  • Income: where will the money from to pay for your wallpaper? Create a budget and a financing plan

  • Go online and look for all the items you desire for your wallpaper exercise. Capture cost for these items and put them in your budget

  • Review your constraints, and trade-offs, since you now know you can’t afford all your desires.

  • Let’s discuss what you ended-up with. Each student will present their plan from beginning to end. Classmates will ask questions about your experience

Week 9 – 11
  • Math and Taxes: A Pair to Count On
  • Careers: Students examine careers that they want to aspire to and will reflect on how workers use math in their occupations.

  • Occupation: Students will research the occupation online, learn about the required jobs skills needed (human capital) that different workers possess and the salary that those workers earn.

  • Taxes: Students learn about how taxes are paid on income that people earn and how income tax is calculated. They learn how the progressive federal income tax is based on the ability-to-pay principle.

Week 12
  • Test 2:

  • Test Review

  • Test Covering Week 4 – 11

Week 13 & 14
  • Spreading the Budget

  • Looking Deeper Into Budget Components

  • Develop a budget for a college student, using a spreadsheet

  • Assets/Income: What kinds of income can a person have? What Assets Does this student have? Enter them into your budget

  • Expenses: Kinds of Expenses: What are the student’s fixed, variable, and periodic expenses and revise to adjust for cash flow problems that

Week 14
  • Class Q & A

  • Allowing your peers to help your understanding of the lessons

  • Interactive exercises.

Week 15
  • Test 3:

  • Test Review

  • Test Covering All

Week 16
  • Financial Assessment Test



With a good financial education our students has a good grasp on their own financial & economic outcomes but also a good grasp of financial markets and how they work.